C++ templates are way more powerful than Java’s generics.
A simple example is to change the return-type of a function depending on template parameters:
typename T = int,
bool Required = true,
typename OUT = typename std::conditional_t<Required, T, std::optional<T>>
OUT getFromCache(std::string& key) {
return {};
int main() {
int somethingRequired = getFromCache("key");
std::optional<int> maybeInt = getFromCache<int,false>("anotherKey");
return 0;
template<typename T,
typename O = typename std::conditional_t<is_same_v<T, int>, int, optional<T>>>
O get(T in) {
return {};
int main() {
int seven = get(7);
std::optional<std::string> maybeString = get("foo");
return 0;